Friday, June 22, 2012

June PLOG (plus EOMP for May)

Summer school started in May...that's why there wasn't a EOMP (end-of-month plog) for May  *sorry* ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Vancouver is mostly you can only catch a glimpse of the sun once in a while. Aside from the seasonal allergies, I really enjoy the pretty cherry blossoms. It gives some life to the wet and dreary streets of Vancity, don't you think?

I couldn't resist this cherry blossom tree
it's very pretty ^^

Fortunately, We had a few sunny days once in a while in May. However...that didn't last long ==;

I went out with my family during one sunny Saturday. We went to local farm market (grandma wanted to get some tomato plants) and I saw this pretty flower~I don't think I've seen any flowers like these before
it seems like a 'fictional flower', don't you think?
I was thinking more of a flower from a magical garden
After that, we went to the newly renovated Ikea (Richmond). In the parking lot, I saw this:
a mustache!! on a car!! ={D
 ...and I got myself a new duvet set at Ikea
It looks kinda classy for my room, maybe out of place but I love it ^^
That's my panda, Dada.
don't judge, you're never too old for a stuffie =3=

I seriously have a love-hate relationship with summer...
either I hate how it's too hot and blinding my eyes at 7am in the morning, or 
I love how the sky is clear and bright (>"<)
view from kitchen

I've been living in the same house for 18 years and I have yet to know what those blobs on the curtains are...apples?? o.O

These railings (?) are relatively new, they weren't here when we first moved into this house.
Don't they look classy?

some lucky bamboos that my grandma kept near the fireplace


Those who are still in school knows that June is exam always you need fuel supplies..
source: 9gag 

I'm bracing myself here!!
Bring it on!!! >=)
Btw those hershey's drops are goooood~~
Kinder chocolate bar
(I personally find this to be too sweet) XP

The weather is sometimes too cold to be wearing a hoodie, but still too warm for a jacket. I had a bit of retail therapy (for exam stress relief, of course) and got this lovely scarf-since I don't own any spring scarves.

a bright floral scarf!!

It's a nice colour accent piece for any plain outfit, I love that scarf!!

I've also been jogging lately. I'm not very consistent with it but better than nothing ^^
I only do 2 rounds around my neighborhood, I stop and speed-walk when I'm tired from running. At night, I find that I can fall asleep quicker than usual. Less tossing and turning at night *bliss~~*

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