Monday, May 7, 2012

Benefits of strawberries and PLOG

The weather has gotten less dingy and more sunny ^^
Too bad allergies are acting up... I woke up with huge swollen rashes on my hands, ankles and arms ><" I have no idea what caused it, but I didn't even go outside at all that day. However, I did vacuum the carpet and opened my window to let some fresh air in; I think it's because I opened the window.. (=3=)

I now have a sudden addiction to strawberries~
strawberries and mango
Strawberries have lots of health benefits: (good reason to pig out on them!)
-boost immune system (excellent source of vitamin C)

-antioxidant properties, which promotes eye health and prevent/ lower the risk of having cataracts [cloudiness over the eye lens;usually leads to blindness as you get old]

-a cancer-fighting fruit!! (due to the high level of vitamin C and antioxidant properties)

-anti-aging properties;improves elasiticity of the skin = prevent wrinkles :D

-fights the bad cholesterol in your body
  Since lots of people consume fast food and other food that are high in trans fat, arteries can get clogged by these bad fats (also called low-density lipoprotein, or LDL). Those who are in a high risk of heart attacks, have high blood pressure, diagnosed with diabetes should definitely add strawberries to their diet

-reduce inflammation: inflammation to joints may lead to arthritis,which may lead to heart diseases

-regulates blood pressure

-good source of fibre: cleanse your digestive tract (meaning those who are constipated) XP

-weigh management! a plus to those who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Strawberries do not contain any natural sugar and are low in calories as well

-contains folate: a type of vitamin B that is recommended for women (especially those who want to have a child, or those who are pregnant)


wow... I got carried away ^^" anyways to the PLOG!!  *sorry* m(._.)m

The strawberries weren't very ripe so i diced it with some super ripe mango
made the strawberries very sour (>x<)
The cherry blossoms are all gone but it made a beautiful carpet of sakura petals
and I love that pink glare I got in the top corner ^^ so pretty
(of course, if it rains that's gonna be dangerous...)
[May 6, 2012]

Today I made brownies with my cousin since she got off school early today. I made a plain one and another with sprinkles~!

You can never have too much chocolate XD

I decorated the plain brownies and they look awesome

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