Friday, November 16, 2012

The Real Story Behind Totoro

You might remember Totoro, the big grey furry raccon(?)-like creature in the Japanese animation 'Tonari no Totoro' ( English title: My Neighbour Totoro'). The other characters that accompany Totoro looks very cute, and the plot is quite a typical plot for Japanese animations in general but this family movie isn't as a kid-friendly movie as everyone thinks it is.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pre-midterm panic mode

I had a sudden craving for a sweet treat today (when am I not!), so I tried a recipe that I've stumbled upon a while ago...

Supporting Movember like a sir ={

As most of you might know already, Movember is a month-long event during the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancer initiatives. Guys would grow out a moustache to help support this event.